• 2022-06-14
    Tom was _______ from school for cheating again and again in his exams.
    A: excluded
    B: dismissed
    C: expelled
    D: discharged
  • C


    • 0

      He was very much _____________ with his son, who had failed again in his final exams. A: disappoint B: disappointment C: disappointed D: disappointing

    • 1

      Once again Tom checked his test paper carefully to diminish all the spelling mistakes from it. A: eliminate B: abandon C: withdraw D: decrease

    • 2

      Some students in our universiy have been _________ for cheating on their final exams.( ) A: forced B: failed C: expelled D: tested

    • 3

      If they are caught____in any way, they will___from school at once. A: cheat, expel B: cheating, be expelled

    • 4

      Tom, did it ever ______ to you that you would be punished for cheating on exams?