• 2022-06-14
    The article tries to tell us that ____.
    A: American families are fond of traveling around the world with their children.
    B: American people are worried about the shaky position of America in the world.
    C: American children are forced to learn to be versatile.
    D: American paraents are clever at cultivating their children with a global perspective.
  • D


    • 0

      We can come to the conclusion that______. A: 60 percent of American children are now born illegitimately B: at least 50 percent of black children are now born illegitimately in America C: 60 percent of American children were born illegitimately in the 1960s D: at least 60 percent of American children were born illegitimately in the 1960s

    • 1

      American children start school at age .

    • 2

      Many poor American families expect their children to find part-time jobs, especially as they enter their teens.

    • 3

      American civilization is often viewed by people around the world as basically business civilization.

    • 4

      Which is wrong about American people?( )  A: American people are patriotic. B: American people like to talk about politics and religion. C: American people are outspoken. D: American people respect time.