• 2022-05-28
    Marketing research that compares your product or service with products or services of other companies in the market is called __________ research
    A: product or service
    B: Market
    C: consumer
    D: competitive
  • D


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      Which of the following is the aim of the product concept? A: focus on the target market and make products that meet those customers' demands B: focus on making continuous product improvements C: market only those products with high customer appeal D: improve the marketing of a firm's best products

    • 1

      ‏In a business plan, which part should include the introduction of product performance, quality, type, competitive advantage, etc., as well as product prospect analysis, brand, and patent content.​‏​ A: Industry analysis B: Operation plan C: Products and services D: Market analysis

    • 2

      As a result of product differentiation, a firm in a monopolistically competitive market:

    • 3

      Market research is used to_______. A: describe existing market conditions B: explain certain market behavio C: predict how consumers might respond to new products D: predict changes in marketing mixes

    • 4

      4.7 What conditions are needed in order to judge whether a market is an effective market? ( ) A: The market can generate positive cash flows. B: The market has customers with the same needs. C: Products and services from scientific research meet customers' needs. D: Customers can refer to each other in the market.