• 2022-05-28
    A slow pulse indicates the( ).
    A: exterior syndrome
    B: cold syndrome
    C: heat syndrome
    D: excess syndrome
    E: interior syndrome
  • B


    • 0

      Which of the following tongue coating is mainly seen in cold syndrome and heat syndrome? A: White coating B: Yellow coating C: Gray coating D: Black coating

    • 1

      The patents has dry mouth and the desire for rinsing mouth but not swallowing. This can be seen in: A: dampness-heat syndrome B: blood stasis C: internal fluid retention D: interior cold syndrome

    • 2

      Bluish complexion usually indicate _______. A: pain syndrome B: blood stasis C: convulsion D: cold syndrome

    • 3

      核型是47,XXY个体患的是: A: Down syndrome B: Klinefelters syndrome C: Turners syndrome D: Edwards syndrome

    • 4

      口干、眼干、小关节疼痛是上述哪种综合征的主要症状 A: Sjogren's syndrome B: Behcet's syndrome C: Reiter's syndrome D: Ramsay-Hunt syndrome E: Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome