• 2022-05-28
    Why is the man so depressed?
    A: Because he can't find an ideal date.
    B: Because he is too common a person.
    C: Because he has failed to realize his dreams.
    D: Because he is deceived by Mrs. Right.
  • A


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      Why can’t the man go to the birthday party A: Because he is ill. B: B. Because he is busy. C: C. Because he will go to Beijing.

    • 1

      Why will the man call the woman? A: Because he will let the other person know about the assignment. B: Because he needs to talk to somebody. C: Because he can't talk about the assignment now. D: Because he wants to know about the assignment.

    • 2

      Why can’t Tom make up his mind to be an artist A: Because he doesn’t want to spend too much of his father’s money. B: Because he doesn’t know what an art school is. C: Because he isn’t sure whether he can support himself. D: Because he can not decide which career to choos

    • 3

      Why does the man ask not to say that too loudly() A: Because he is a man of modesty. B: Because he doesn’t want the powers hear about it. C: Because he wants to keep low-profile. D: Because the woman really says too loudly.

    • 4

      Why Bruno experienced awkward moments when greeting? A: Because he is very shy. B: Because he just waves his hand. C: Because he is too enthusiastic and touch people too much. D: Because he doesn’t like to touch people.