• 2022-05-27
    What are the five effective fixed ways to make people look beautiful without makeup readily available?
  • First, wash your face, neck, arms and hands in cold water, since the cold water will close the pores and help the skin shine at bay for a little longer. Brush or take up your hair. Neaten your appearance. And don’t forget your teeth. Take a bit of time to gargle. Give your cheeks a pinch and your lips a quick bite to get them to redden somewhat. Second, clean up yourself. Take a shower and shampoo your hair after you first get up from bed. Then put on clean clothes. You can’t manufacture a fresh look. It doesn’t come out of a bottle. So make the effort. Then spray on some fresh, light scent. Pouring perfume on yourself to hide several days of sweat, grime and body odor will only make you reek. Three, look put-together. Brush your hair and put it up in a ponytail so long as the style suits you. Put on clothes that look good on you. Don’t blindly follow the trend and fall into a fashion rut. Don’t adapt trends to your personality. Take the trouble to read upon your body shape, lifestyle and budget. Then try on lots of clothes to find the styles that look good on you. Don’t forget to accessorize yourself, because bright, bold accessories draw the eye. Four, eat well and exercise regularly. Health gives you a radiant glow vitality, making you more youthful. Eating well and exercising are doubly important if you are sick. They will boost immune system and get the endorphins and adrenaline going in your body; those, in turn, will help up your beauty factor. Five, smile a lot. A friendly, pleasant countenance will make people better disposed to you and enhance their perception of your beauty.


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