• 2021-04-14
    What are the effective ways you can use to communicate?
  • No matter what industry you work in, workers in the digital age must know how to effectively convey and receive messages in person as well as via phone, email, and social media. Good communication skills will help get hired, land promotions, and be a success throughout your career. First, Listening Second, Nonverbal Communication Third, Clarity and Concision Fourth, Friendliness Fifth, Respect Sixth, Feedback Seventh, Picking the Right Medium


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      What is the proper way to clarify a subject that your audiences know little about?( ) A: You can use simple and clear language and some rhetorical devices B: You can use some very technical terms C: You can use lots of gestures D: You can use casual and random language to clarify

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      1. Speaking from your own experience, what effective ways would you like to suggest to help others learn English?

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      You can communicate with it.

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      This chapter will assist you in preparing and writing memos that allow you to communicate (effective)______ in today’s workplace.

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      Slide Showing, TV, Video and computer can be regarded as effective ways to demonstrate.