• 2022-05-28
    What's the meaning of "crossed laterality"
    A: The right hand is controlled by the left side of the brain, and the left hand is controlled by the right side of the brain.
    B: Right-handers' speech-language center is in brain' s left-hemisphere, while left-handers' speech-language center is in brain's right-hemisphere.
    C: The development of right and left side of brain is interactive.
    D: The human central nervous system is just like a circuit.
  • A


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      Most right-handed individuals have language represented in the left hemisphere and left-handers have language localization in the right hemisphere.

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      What are the theories behind TPR? A: Childhood language acquisition. B: Lowering stress and affective filter. C: The right/left brain divide. D: All of the above

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      The people of Malay, India or Indonesian greet, wave or eat with their _____ hand, but use their _____ hand with the bathroom. A: right, left B: left, right C: left, left D: right, right

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      【单选题】在循环双链表的 p 所指结点之后插入 s 所指结点的操作是 () 。 A. p à right =s ; s à left = p ; p à right à left = s ; s à right = p à right ; B. p à right =s ; p à right à left = s ; s à left = p ; s à right = p à right; C. s à left = p ; s à right = p à right ; p à right = s ; p à right à left = s; D. s à left = p ; s à right = p à right ; p à right à left = s ; p à right = s ;

    • 4

      在循环双链表的p所指结点之后插入s所指结点的操作是_____。 A: p->right=s; s->left=p; p->right->left=s; s=->right=p->right; B: p->right=s; p->right->left=s; s->left=p; s->right=p->right; C: s->left=p; s->right= p->right; p->right=s; p->right->left=s; D: s->left=p; s->right=p->right; p->right->left=s; p->right=s;