• 2022-05-31
    According to the passage, school education stresses more on______.
    A: thinking with the right side of the brain
    B: combining both sides of the brain
    C: using the left side of the brain
    D: developing imaginary thinking
  • B


    • 0

      Scientists think there is a physical reason for this. They believe that nerves in the left side of the brain develop faster in girls than in boys.

    • 1

      We call the phenomenon of scientists moving from a developing country to a developed country as: A: Brain Drain B: Brain Gain C: Brain Circulation D: Brain Damage

    • 2

      Compared<br/>with the left brain, the right brain is “better” at<br/>(). A: Speaking B: recognizing faces C: solving problems D: symbolic reasoning E: artistic activities

    • 3

      According to the passage, amnesia means__________. A: the loss of a good memory because of the interference of certain parts of the brain B: that people can do more with their brain C: that brains are ready for a change D: the retired people's fear for recalling their past

    • 4

      According to the passage, if we want to have a good brain, we should ______