• 2022-05-28
    General guidelines for trade fair participation include _____, etc.
    A: A. Setting objectives
    B: B. Getting information
    C: C. Schedule
    D: D. Selection of exhibits
  • A,B,C,D


    • 0

      The process of participation in a trade fair breaks down into the following phases:_____.

    • 1

      A./etc/networks B./etc/hosts C./etc/configs D./etc/address

    • 2

      What characteristics may a trade fair stand include?It should be ________________________ and rational.

    • 3

      The general procedures forinternational trade negotiations may include ( ). A: enquiry B: offer C: counter-offer D: acceptance

    • 4

      24. “Where is David?” “He is upstairs ______ ready to go out.”A. to get B. getting C. to be getting D. having got A: A B: B C: C D: D