• 2021-04-14
    Year Product Introduction of product 1977 1984 1997 2001 2003 2007 2010
  • 第一空: Apple II;combined Wozniak’s technical skills and Jobs’sdesign ideas; a bestseller; Macintosh;by far the most advanced personal computer at that time; Imac;had a transparent case design; 1999 America’s best-selling computer; Ipod;MP3 player; iTunes Music Store;allowing consumers to inexpensively buy and download music; iPhone;a computer that you could carry in your pocket; a revolutionary product that changes everything; iPad;tablet computer; made Apple a top company


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      In the introduction phase of product life cycle, company may have _____ sales volume.

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      中国在()加入WTO A: 1997 B: 2000 C: 2001 D: 2003

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      All products go through product life cycle of introduction, growth, maturity and decline.

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      1. Since the year ______ , July 11 is celebrated as China’s National Maritime Day to commemorate Zheng He’s first voyage. A: 2001 B: 2003 C: 2005 D: 2007

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      When a firm sells a product out of inventory, GDP: A: increases. B: decreases. C: is not changed. D: increases or decreases, depending on the year the product was produced.