• 2022-07-24
    A: systemic
    B: analytical
    C: qualitative
    D: quantitative
  • D


    • 0

      “容量法”的英文词汇是_________。 A: volumetric method B: gravimetric method C: quantitative analysis D: qualitative analysis

    • 1

      When climate conditions change to a certain value, plants would not make quantitative changes to qualitative ones.( )

    • 2

      ___________assessment means you just mark each item andcount the total points A: Peer B: Qualitative C: Quantitative D: Written

    • 3

      ___________assessment means you just mark each items andcount the total points A: Peer B: Qualitative C: Quantitative D: Written

    • 4

      From the perspective of research approach, what are the primary types of the thesis? A: Quantitative thesis B: Mixed-method thesis C: Article thesis D: Qualitative thesis