• 2021-04-14
  • 第一空: 潜在的;潜能


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      以下哪一项表达最为准确? A: The potential market is large. While the numbers of such developments are relatively small. B: The potential market is large, while the numbers of such developments are relatively small. C: The potential market is large, and the numbers of such developments are relatively small. D: The potential market is large, the numbers of such developments are relatively small.

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      The firm is in a ______ (potential) dangerous situation.

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      Which statement as follows is right? A: The potential equals everywhere the magnitude of electric field intensity is equal. B: The magnitude of electric field intensity equals everywhere the potential is equal. C: The potential must be high where the magnitude of electric field intensity is great. D: The potential is not necessarily zero where the magnitude of electric field equals zero.

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      Dorothy's philosophy was that ______. ( ) A: everybody had the same potential B: different people had different potentials C: her goal in teaching was to bring out the full potential of every student D: learning disabilities hindered students' potential