• 2022-07-02
    A: aisle
    B: cockpit
    C: nose
    D: eye
  • C


    • 0

      The two sides of a coin are known as ‘______’ and ‘tail’. A: eye B: face C: head D: nose

    • 1

      The combining form nas- as in nasitis denotes _________ . A: ea B: eye C: month D: nose

    • 2

      What isthe meaning of the root ot/o in the term otorhinolaryngologist? A: nose B: ear C: eye D: mouth

    • 3

      在腓尼基语中,O的含义是什么? A: Mouth B: Eye C: Nose D: Tongue

    • 4

      ‏Nose of an airplane‎ A: 飞机的鼻梁 B: 飞机的鼻子 C: 飞机的机头 D: 飞机的后部