• 2021-04-14
    I just want a job where I can learn and __________.
  • get experience


    • 0

      I don't want anything fancy. I just want an ______ car. (economic; economical)

    • 1

      在机场行李太多,需要手推车时可以说( ) A: I’m too tired, can you help me? B: I need a baggage trolley. C: where can I find a baggage trolley? D: Where can I find the carts? E: I want a car, could you help me?

    • 2

      I want to know ____ I can do for you. A: how else B: what else C: when else D: where else

    • 3

      I just want to hear your ____________.

    • 4

      中国大学MOOC: I am applying for the job to ________ a secretary position at your company, where I can use my strong secretarial skills.