• 2021-04-14
    Why does the oxidation of NADH lead to roughly 3 ATPs, while FADH2 oxidation produces only about 2 ATPs?
  • Redox potential change is only sufficient for production of 2 ATPs.


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      生物氧化(biological oxidation)

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      Which one is correct about the common characterics between biological oxidation in vivo(体内)and oxidation in vitro(体外)(burning) ? A: the same reaction conditions B: the same end products C: the same mode of CO2 generation D: the same mode of energy release

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      Which of the following reactions is NOT one in phase I reactions of biotransformation? A: Monoamine oxidation B: Conjugation C: Hydrolysis D: Oxidation E: Reduction

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      业务处理系统的英文缩略是(). A: ATPS B: BERP C: CPHS D: DPDS