• 2021-04-14
    They believed that land did not belong to people but ______ people belong to land.
  • that


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      As the countryside fills up, people are becoming more aware of the need for open space, "open space" means ______. A: public land B: unoccupied land C: unplanted land D: private land

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      People who live in different places may belong to ______.

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      Most Arabs, Mediterranean people, Indonesians and people in the Middle East evaluate closeness as _______. They belong to ______ cultures.

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      "… , people are becoming more need for open space." (Paragraph 1) tells us that ____. A: people are thinking to develop their living space into the sky B: people noticed the need for unoccupied land C: people are struggling to get more land from the space D: people are becoming more active on the space issue

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      中国大学MOOC: People born in the year of 1940, 1952, or 1964 belong to the Dragon zodiac sign. People born in which of the following years also belong to the Dragon zodiac sign?