• 2021-04-14
    To communicat more efficiently we use gestures as part of our body language
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      When we are communicating with each other, we use various ways of body movements other than language such as gestures, postures and facial expressions, etc. That is what we call________. A: verbal communication B: nonverbal communication C: indirect communication D: direct communication

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      In a formal business presentation, if we want to grab the attention and the audience and interest them, we need to use ________. A: symbolic language B: body language C: programming language D: signposting language

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      .Anything people communicate with beyond the words that they are saying (more than the meaning of words)[img=400x190]17e0ad30c7ffd7f.png[/img] A: Body language B: Nonverbal communication C: Emphatic gestures D: Descriptive gestures

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      we need not to use descriptive language when our goal is to go beyond informing .

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      中国大学MOOC: Language is a very important part of our life. Without language, we can’t live any more.