• 2021-04-14
    1. The underlined part in “Actually, he’s your new boss.” means ___________.
  • 说话慎重点


    • 0

      How do you like your new boss? A: It’s over there. B: This way, please. C: Yes, please. D: He is a nice man.

    • 1

      The underlined part "anxiety" in the passage probably means "_________".[2分]

    • 2

      The boy will be in deep water if he does not tell us where he spent the money. The underlined part means ______. A: pain B: sight C: trouble D: danger

    • 3

      How is your new boss?

    • 4

      How do you account for the show's success? The underlined part means A: concern B: explain C: comment D: pay