• 2021-04-14
    Marketing communications
  • Public relations


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      1. What’s Peter’s major?He majors in _____________________.2. What’s Peter’s career plan?He wants to work as _________________________.3. What courses does Peter take?He takes Marketing, Communications, __________________________ and many others.

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      How long will the communications last? Communications will continue until ______ has been completed.

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      Communications technologies ar...focuses on ________.

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      Memos are not used for_______________. A: internal communications B: employee instructions C: external communications D: announcing policies

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      The accurate statement about internet marketing and traditional marketing is ( )。 A: Network marketing is still a kind of unrealized marketing method for the time being B: Network marketing can not impact on traditional marketing C: Internet marketing will eventually be combined with traditional marketing D: Internet marketing will completely replace all traditional marketing methods