• 2022-06-05
    中国大学MOOC: Case Study: A pedestrian crossed a road without looking, and consequently was hit by a speeding car. The pedestrian sued the driver for negligence. What defence may the driver use?
  • Contributory Negligence


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      中国大学MOOC: Moving the vehicle to the right shoulder of the road will prevent both the driver and the officer from the danger of being hit by oncoming traffic.

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      Which of the two sentences sounds more natural?[input=type:blank,size:4][/input]       A. If you play football on the road, a car may hit you.B. If you play football on the road, you may be hit by a car.

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      中国大学MOOC: The reason why the car accident happened is_______ the driver was drunk.

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      The patrolman signaled to the speeding driver to pull___

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      The accident was caused by() A: the driver of the first car B: the driver of the second car C: the driver of the third car D: both B and C