• 2022-06-06
    For some products with limited profit margin, the seller should ________:
    A: emphasize quality advantage
    B: emphasize price advantage over similar products
    C: emphasize good reputation
    D: guide buyers to increase the order number
  • A,B,C,D


    • 0

      According to the male interviewee Alexander Farmer, counterfeit products are usually of ________. A: low quality B: reasonble price C: good source D: high reputation

    • 1

      When buyers are not so familiar with the new products or not so convinced by the reputation of the seller, they will make an initial attempt by ordering a small quantity of certain products, which is known as _________.

    • 2

      Adam Smith mentioned the number 4, 800 in order to______. A: show the advantages of the old craft system B: emphasize how powerful the individual worker was C: show the advantages of the division of labor D: emphasize the importance of increased production

    • 3

      Various advertisements of similar products provide information for consumers to compare them so as to choose those products of good quality and low price.

    • 4

      What does the Official Guide emphasize? ( ) A: Shen B: Shi C: Qin D: Qing