• 2022-06-05
    Career planning helps you to() your career possibilities
    A: shape
    B: love
    C: with
    D: where
  • A


    • 0

      What does dream career mean to a person? A: A career you want to choose when you don’t have to work. B: A career you are interested in . C: A career which can realize your social values. D: A career everybody envies.

    • 1

      In the job interview, the interviewer may want to know more about your career planning by asking “why do you apply for this post?”.

    • 2

      you have your own career to and you need

    • 3

      ___________you are looking for your first job or planning to switch to a new career, searching for a job can be a big challenge. A: Whether B: Which C: Both D: Neither

    • 4

      When you talk about your career planning, what you should say? A: You should explain how your goals align with the company’s B: Demonstrate your enthusiasm C: Talk about your expected salary D: Show an interest in learning