• 2022-06-06
    Q5. The main idea of the text is _____.
    A: younger people are more susceptible to even small amounts of radiation
    B: no scientific evidence has been found about the effect of cosmic radiation
    C: radiation has the greatest effect on fast dividing and developing cells
    D: radiation may be a greater cancer risk for adults than doctors thought
  • D



    • 0

      61. Radiation fog is more commonly encountered in _____.

    • 1


    • 2

      The main reason that he developed liver cancer (肝癌) is because he had been __________ to high levels of radiation (辐射). A: revealed B: damaged C: exposed D: covered

    • 3

      Although the evidence remains _____, he believes that radiation is bad for human health.

    • 4

      3. What do experts think about the radiation?