• 2022-06-06
    Which kind of route of drug admininstration is the most improtant method of administrating drugs for systemic effects?
  • oral route


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      Bioavailability of drugs is A: established by FDA regulation at 100% for preparations for intramuscular injection B: 100% for oral preparations that are not metabolized in the liver C: calculated from the peak concentration of drug divided by the dose administered D: important because bioavailability determines what fraction of the administered dose reaches the systemic circulation E: equal to 1 (100%) only for drugs administered by any parenteral route

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      Which of the following adverse reactions is an altered physiological state produced by repeated administration of a drug which necessitates the continued presence of the drug to maintain physiological equilibrium? A: Idiosyncratic reaction B: Residual effects C: Drug dependence D: Rebound reaction E: Drug allergic reaction

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      Which route of administration could enable a drug to reachthe highest level in serum? A: local administration ; B: oral route; C: Intramuscular injection, D: IV route.

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      6 __________________is the study of drug effects at the population level. It is concerned with the variability of drug effects between ______________in a population, and between_____________.

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      The<br/>crude drug which has the effects of“moderating drug” is<br/>____. A: Rhubarb B: Clove C: Senna<br/>Leaf D: Licorice<br/>Root E: Ginseng