• 2022-06-06
    In Chinese dishes, fish can be ___________.‍‏‍
    A: steamed
    B: poached
    C: braised
    D: pickled
  • A,B,C,D


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      Which of the following translations is better for translating 开门红?( ) A: tender fish head with chili B: steamed tender fish head with chopped pepper C: business with a good start D: kaimenhong,steamed tender fish head with chopped pepper, it means a good start in business

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      11、Which of the following is a signature dish of Cantonese Cuisine?A、Steamed Fish Head with Chopped Hot ChiliB、Fish-flavored Shredded PorkC、Steamed Sea BassD、West Lake Vinegar Fish

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      Why is Chinese cuisine so famous around the world? What is your opinion? Can you give some examples of famous Chinese dishes?

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      “水煮鱼”的英文是 ____ fish with chili sauce. A: Sauteed B: Steamed C: Boiled D: Roasted

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      A:What would you like for side dishes?B: I want some _____________ (清蒸)broccoli and ___________(油炸) potato chips. A: boiled, grill B: steamed,pan-fried C: steamed,deep-fried D: boiled, roasted