• 2021-04-14
    The car was not in good condition so I bought it at a price.
  • budget


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      I don't _________ the price, so long as the car is in good condition. A: take care of B: take care C: care of D: care about

    • 1

      At that price, the car you bought was a real __________ .

    • 2

      The price they offered for my old car was so low that I _________ it down.

    • 3

      The car was in good working ___ when I bought it a few months ago. A: order B: form C: state D: circumstance

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      If the government establishes a legal price floor for a good, the result will be a(n) A: shortage of the good, but only if the floor is equal to the equilibrium price. B: surplus of the good, but only if the floor is above the equilibrium price. C: surplus of the good, but only if the floor is below the equilibrium price. D: shortage of the good, but only if the floor is above the equilibrium price.