• 2022-06-06
    Which two areas are influenced by monsoon in China?
    A: eastern and western areas
    B: southern and northern areas
    C: eastern and southern areas
    D: southern and western areas
  • C


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      In the eastern monsoon areas of China, nearly 95 percent of the Chinese population live here, while fewer people live in the northwest regions.

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      France is located on the ___ edge of Europe.( ). A: eastern B: northern C: southern D: western

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      France<br/>is located on the ____<br/>edge of Europe. A: western B: eastern C: southern D: northern

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      How many areas of southern Somalia declared famine() A: Three. B: four. C: Five. D: Six.

    • 4

      Chinese food can be roughly divided into the ____ and Southern styles of cooking.. A: Western B: Eastern C: Northern