• 2022-06-06
    He thinks himself somebody, but we think him ______.
  • nobody


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      Where do you think the article is going to appear A: He thinks it is necessary. B: He thinks it is regrettable. C: He thinks it is both regrettable and necessary. D: He doesn’t think much about it.

    • 1

      What do we know about the mother A: He feels they have done a wise thing. B: He doesn’t think they should move. C: He thinks it is better to invest later. D: He thinks it is unwise to buy stocks.

    • 2

      His experience with Gates taught ______ to think big and to never miss an opportunity to learn something new. A: his B: himself C: he D: him

    • 3

      He was known to _________ Brooklyn to visit somebody a decade older than himself in a nursing home.

    • 4

      We must ________ him to be innocent until he is proved guilty. A: assume B: assure C: think D: elieve