• 2022-06-06
    According to different sources, fat can be classified into animal fat and plant fat.
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      Exercise can convert white fat cells into brown fat cells.

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      When Americans eat so much restaurant and packaged food, they (). A: can limit fat and calories B: can limit fat but not calories C: can’t limit fat or calories

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      Which is reasonable diet A: Small amounts of protein B: Appropriate ratio of animal to plant proteins C: No limit on total fat intake in diet D: There is no need to adjust the ratio of animal to plant fats

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      Two types of fat make up total body fat is Essential fat and ( ). A: Non-essential fat B: Surface fat C: Stored fat D: Structural fat

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      以下哪些是FAT文件系统?() A: FAT 12 B: FAT 16 C: FAT 32 D: FAT 64