• 2022-06-06
    The Red Army fought _____ battle at Stalingrad and won _____ victory against the Germans. In fact, this battle _____ in the Second World War. During this famous battle, the Soviet troops withstood the German_____ and weakened the German army _____ a series of counterattacks.(siege, launch, heroic, turn the tide, decisive)
  • a heroic#the decisive#turned the tide#siege#by launching


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      On October 14, 1066, Harold’s army and William’s army met in the famous Battle of ________

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      The Americans won the war of independence in the decisive battle at ______. A.Boston B.Yorktown C.Norfolk D.Pittsburgh

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      What is the name of the war fought at the end of the movie? A: The battle of Bannockburn B: The Battle of Falkirk C: The Battle of England D: The Battle of Scottland

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      A decisive<br/>__________ of the Civil War was fought on this hill. A: battle B: admitted C: rare D: capital

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      They fought a long battle against prejudice and ________.