• 2022-06-06
    power of chewing comes from ()
    A: tooth
    B: mandibular movement
    C: masticatory muscle
    D: TMJ
    E: None of the above
  • C


    • 0

      The power input (electric power) of the motor is ( ) kW.[img=975x181]1803a2fca57c1f2.jpg[/img] A: 2.2 B: 3.58 C: 4.21 D: none of the above

    • 1

      Power can be divided into position power and _________ power according to whether it comes from a person’s position or personal characteristics.

    • 2

      There are 4 main factors that control mandibular movements, except<br/>for: () A: bilateral temporomandibular joints B: the occlusal contact relationship of the teeth C: blood supply D: neutral structure E: muscle structure

    • 3

      Which tooth position does 73 stand for? A: deciduous maxillary left canine B: maxillary right canine C: deciduous mandibular left canine D: deciduous mandibular right canine

    • 4

      20. People in the town will benefit from the law after it ______next month. A: A. comes into use B: B. comes into power C: C. comes into effect D: D. comes into being