• 2022-06-16
    Pentagon. Many have been held for more than three years and the______.
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      When did the man leave school A: Three years ago. B: More than three years ago. C: In 2006.

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      Which of the following describes a long position in an option? A: A position where there is more than one year to maturity B: A position where there is more than five years to maturity C: A position where an option has been purchased D: A position that has been held for a long time

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      I have no more than three roommates in the dormitory.

    • 3

      ______ will be given to candidates who have more than three years of experience in the field of research and development. A: Preferential B: Preference C: Preferment D: Preferring

    • 4

      Researchers have studied the connection between aspirin and heart disease for _______. A: more than a century B: more than ten years C: more than one year D: a few years