• 2022-06-16
    March 8th is____(woman)Day.
  • Women’s


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      International working women's Day is also known as A: UN women's rights and interests and international peace day B: "March 8" women's day C: "March 8" woman's day D: US women's rights and interests and international peace day

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      Who has a special day on March 8th A: Mothers B: Children C: Women D: Elderly

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      ______ Day falls on March 8. A: Woman’s B: Women’s C: Womans’ D: The women’s

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      The Insurance Public Publicity Day in China is A: July 8th B: Dec 8th C: Jan 8th D: Apr 8th

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      St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated on March 17st each year. It is the_______ National Day. A: Welsh B: English C: Scottish D: Irish