• 2022-06-18
    blood glucose
  • 血糖


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      The patient in the previous question had very high blood glucose levels, and his urine also contained high blood glucose levels. The high blood glucose levels can lead to cerebral dysfunction owing to which one of the following A: Dehydration B: Reduced lipid concentrations in the blood C: Increased lipid concentrations in the blood D: Hyperhydration E: High ammonia levels F: Low ammonia levels

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      Fasting<br/>blood glucose value with impaired fasting blood glucose: A: 3.9-6.1mmol /L B: &lt;7.8mmol&gt; C: 6.1-7.0mmol/L D: &gt;11.1mmol/L E: 7.8-11.1mmol/L

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      Excessive alcohol can increase your blood glucose to dangerous levels.

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      What can we do to maintain blood glucose levels A: Eating a healthy diet B: Getting regular exercise C: Using a combination of blood glucose monitoring D: Drinking plenty of hot wate

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      i) The secretion of insulin—which acts to lower the plasma glucose _____—is stimulated by a rise in glucose concentration, for example, and is inhibited by a fall in blood glucose.