• 2022-06-19
    What natural disaster hit Pakistan in 1970
    A: A flood and storm.
    B: A cyclone and storm.
    C: A typhoon.
  • B


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      Natural calamities include heavy weather, thunder storm and lightening, flood, earthquake and fire etc. A: 正确 B: 错误

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      ​​What will the couple do to prepare for the storm? A: Withdraw some money from their bank. B: Move to an emergency shelter in their city. C: Listen to the radio for news about the storm. D: Go to a store to get more emergency items.

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      中国大学MOOC: Natural calamities include heavy weather, thunder storm and lightening, flood, earthquake and fire etc.

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      They had the ___ to be hit by a violent storm. A: fortune B: fortunate C: misfortune D: unfortunately

    • 4

      What kind of natural disaster happened on Tuesday in La Conchita, California A: Flood B: Earthquake C: Mudslide D: Tornado