• 2021-04-14
    The British used radio waves because they ________.
  • could penetrate fog and clouds


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      It is possible to use satellites to predict earthquakes because satellites ________. A: take pictures of the Earth B: catch radio waves sent from the Earth’s surface C: are sensitive to Earth’s movements D: see almost the entire Earth

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      The British people are used to _________.

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      13. How are paired NBDP frequencies normally used? . A: These are normally used for FEC conunurucations with coast radio stations. B: These are normally used for ARQ communications with coast radio stations. C: These are normally used only for distress communications to limit channel interference. D: These are normally used for DSC communications with coast radio stations.

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      When these electromagnetic waves escape from the conductor into space, they are said to be radiated by the conductor, hence the name radio waves.

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      When you call a friend in Puerto Rico, the radio waves from your cell phone first travel to ________.