• 2022-06-07
    M:Hi, Gale.What are you doing here Drawing moneyW:No.I want to add some money to my deposit account. What is Gale doing()
    A: Taking some money from her deposit account.
    B: Borrowing some money from the man.
    C: Putting some money into her account.
    D: Opening an account at the bank.
  • C


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      _____________ is a means of paying for something by moving money automatically from your bank account to the account of the person you are paying.

    • 1

      Can you put the money into my bank account, please? I need it __________.

    • 2

      Fill in the blank with the proper form of the word given in the bracket.I need to ______________ some money into my account. (transfer)

    • 3

      Company receive the money of the loan, $200 000, and deposit it in its bank account, which side should we record the account Cash in bank? A: debit B: credit

    • 4

      ______ means to move money from one account or bank to another. (U4-3)