• 2022-06-07
    Match the words or phrases with their synonymous terms. Sometimes more than one match is possible. 7. attribute
    A: agency
    B: company
    C: incongruence
    D: advertising mail
    E: marketing communication program
    F: media program
    G: inconsistency
    H: non-branded product
    I: point of engagement
    J: promotion
    K: practice helping the brand name to be well-known
    L: a retail bank
    M: quality
    N: the consistent support given to a brand
    O: to continue to buy a product rather than changing to other brands
    P: feature
  • M,P


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      Protein is found in more foods than people might realize.  A: A B: B C: C D: D E: E F: F G: G H: H I: I J: J K: K L: L M: M N: N

    • 1

      Credit cards are much safer to use than debit cards. A: A B: B C: C D: D E: E F: F G: G H: H I: I J: J K: K L: L M: M N: N O: O

    • 2

      An extended lifespan in the future will allow people to have more careers than now. A: A B: B C: C D: D E: E F: F G: G H: H I: I J: J K: K L: L M: M N: N

    • 3

      The total value of listed shares in American firms has more than halved. A: A B: B C: C D: D E: E F: F G: G H: H I: I J: J K: K L: L M: M N: N

    • 4

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