• 2022-06-09
    4. ABC News’ investigation finds out that many American manufacturers are still heavily depending on Bangladesh factories because of the extremely low labor cost.
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      By 1910, cars with internal combustion engines were being churned out in huge numbers at that the smaller steam car manufacturers had no chance of matching them. ( ). A: so low prices B: so prices low C: prices so low D: such low prices

    • 1

      In short run the shutdown point is that point at which A: price equals marginal cost. B: average fixed cost equals marginal cost. C: average variable cost equals marginal cost. D: average total cost equals marginal cost.

    • 2

      Plastics are in wide use because they can be easily formed into complex shapes at low cost and are easily mass produced.

    • 3

      The problem with the American car manufacturers is ______________.

    • 4

      Many people are still _____________ by the frontier because it has been particularly important in________ _________________________________ .