• 2022-06-07
    The function of the video distributor is one channel of video input and multiple channels of video output, with the functions of impedance matching and signal amplification. ( )
    A: 正确
    B: 错误
  • A


    • 0

      What are the functions the video shows about WeChat?

    • 1

      Watch the video clip and answer the questions1. According to the video clip, which city is the greenest one in Asia?2. According to the video clip, what makes Copenhagen the top one eco-friendly city in the world?

    • 2

      What features may be available when video signals take digital form? A: displaying multiple channels B: freezing frames C: zooming in for close-up D: All of the above

    • 3

      ( )用于加入声音,( )用于加入视频。 A: <;audio>; <;video>; B: <;video>; <;audio>; C: <;audio>; <;audio>; D: <;video>; <;video>;

    • 4

      关于video标签的描述,下面说法正确的是()。 A: video是一个视频标签 B: video是一个音频标签 C: video标签中可以添加autoplay属性 D: 在<;video>;和<;/video>;之间可以插入文字