• 2022-06-06
    He is a poet with ________ imagination.
    A: luxurious
    B: luxuriant
    C: luscious
    D: luxury
  • B


    • 0

      remain essential  will imagination canvas5. The world is but a[input=type:blank,size:4][/input]to the imagination.

    • 1

      To be a good poet one needs, among other things, a very ______ imagination. A: vivid B: living C: wide D: colorful

    • 2

      The man was ____ because he had no imagination.

    • 3

      ​Cosmetic surgery and professional quality home gym equipment are the items that still qualify as _______ in most people’s minds.​​​ A: luxury B: luxuries C: luxurious D: lux

    • 4

      Cosmetic surgery and professional quality home gym equipment are the items that still qualify as _____ in most people’s minds. A: luxury B: luxuries C: luxurious D: lux