• 2022-06-06
    The oceans will turn into deserts if nothing ________.
    A: does
    B: had been done
    C: will do
    D: is done
  • D


    • 0

      The homework when they left. A: did B: had done C: had been done D: has done

    • 1

      The millions of calculations involved, ____by hand, would have lost all practical value by the time they were finished. A: had they been done  B: they had been done C: having been done  D: they were done

    • 2

      If I had not been enjoying the work, I______so much of it. A: would not do B: would not have done C: should not do D: should not have done

    • 3

      Given more attention, the work() A: had been better done B: will be done better C: was better done D: could have been better done

    • 4

      She preferred that he _____ it in the kitchen. A: did B: does C: should do D: had done