• 2022-06-07
    pig’s feet Ligusticum wallichii and Angelica decoction is a therapeutic prescription for deficiency of milk due to deficiency of qi and blood. ( )
  • 内容

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      A bluish, purple tongue often indicates ______. A: internal retention of water dampness B: deficiency of qi and blood C: stagnant blood D: yin deficiency

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      Bluish, purple lips often indicate ____ A: yin deficiency B: qi deficiency C: blood stasis D: excess heat

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      Tongue is red and thin with little or no coating. This is usually seen in:[img=430x373]1803a0fe4e7a434.png[/img] A: yin deficiency and fire exuberance B: qi and blood deficiency C: dampness heat D: yang deficiency

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      The causes of pain include ( ) A: Exogenous evil B: Phlegm turbidity and stagnation C: Qi stagnation and blood stasis D: Deficiency of qi and blood

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      Which is not the clinical significance of emaciation? A: Fire in middle-jiao B: Qi deficiency of middle-jiao C: Phlegm-dampness retetion D: Hyperactivity of deficient fire due to yin deficiency