• 2022-06-11
    A bluish, purple tongue often indicates ______.
    A: internal retention of water dampness
    B: deficiency of qi and blood
    C: stagnant blood
    D: yin deficiency
  • C


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      The causes of pain include: A: qi stagnation, blood stasis, phlegm turbidity B: exogenous pathogenic factors attack C: kidney essence deficiency D: qi and blood deficiency

    • 1

      2. Deep and forceful pulse means ( ) A: Kidney yin deficiency B: Heart yang deficiency C: Excess illnesses in interior, with trapping of Qi and blood D: Liver yang ascending

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      Which of the following choice is not the principle of food health care for people with yin deficiency constitution? A: Nourishing by food with light quality B: Nourishing yin deficiency of five zang organs C: Nourishing qi D: Nourishing essence and blood

    • 3

      The causes of pain include ( ) A: Exogenous evil B: Phlegm turbidity and stagnation C: Qi stagnation and blood stasis D: Deficiency of qi and blood

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      Pitting edema of the face, limbs or over the entire body, heaviness, distension, dullness on percussion, scanty urine, enlarged tongue mostly refers to ( )syndrome。 A: Phlegm B: Dampness C: Water retention D: Body fluid deficiency