• 2021-04-14
    Humanism in Chinese means the notion of “__”, “cherish people ”, “love people” and “the __ of people
  • people first  moral cultivation


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      What does “People like people who like themselves” mean? ____ A: People always have their own needs, fears and hopes. B: Some people only love themselves. C: People like people who are confident. D: People always love others.

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      When Alice talks about the Chinese retired people, she has mentioned that they are _____, _____, and they love to ———.

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      All the Chinese people love peace and are _________ war. A: with B: for C: against D: without

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      You just took a survey asking people about their favorite class in school. After getting all the answers, you found that 10 people love English, 2 people love math, 3 people love history, and 12 love science. What is the percentage of people that love English? A: 30% B: 37% C: 25% D: 42%

    • 4

      Chinese people love peace, but we are not afraid of war.此句应该使用()来读。