• 2022-06-01
    Which statement is NOT correct?
    A: Grains take an important position in Chinese people’s diets.
    B: Chinese people eat a big variety of fruits everyday.
    C: Chinese people eat a big variety of vegetables.
    D: Chinese people highly cherish the nutrition of beans.
  • B


    • 0

      Tea was used as (  )by Chinese people in Chinese history. A: medicine B: vegetables C: beverages D: sacrificial offerings

    • 1

      ‏Many Chinese people like to ___ fry their vegetables in a wok while Americans like to eat them raw.‏‏‏ A: quick B: hot C: stir D: strong

    • 2

      Which of the following is true about activities of the Chinese New<br/>Year? A: People in southern China eat jiaozi while those in northern China<br/>eat niangao. B: Before they go to bed on New Year's Eve, Chinese people dress up. C: Each child will get “lucky money” which is believed to guarantee children's healthy growth in the new year. D: The traditional Chinese paper-cuts are only pasted on front doors<br/>but not on windows.

    • 3

      How to promote Chinese Valentine’s Day among Chinese people?

    • 4

      Traditional Chinese cheongsam was mainly asymmetrical with the buttons on the left, as the ancient Chinese people highly esteemed the left.