• 2022-06-08
    Sunlight is composed of seven colors,_______________________(世界也是) full of different colors.
  • so is our world


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      The main reason why air-conditioner indoor machines can have multiple colors is A: The difference in emissivity of different colors paints at room temperature is small B: The emissivity of different colors paints varies greatly at room temperature C: The absorptance of different colors paints to visible light is quite different at room temperature D: The difference in the absorptance of different colors paint to visible light at room temperature is small

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      Similarly, people of different cultural backgrounds have similar understanding of the same colors, but the connotation of colors can also carry similar meanings in different cultures. (  )

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      Americans come ____all different colors and nationalities.

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      Why colors of national flags are different A: To tell from each other. B: For particular meaning. C: To show colors’ functions.

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      Cultural issues are also important. Designers should _______ different meanings for colors in different cultures.