• 2022-06-15 问题

    Which of the following is NOT TRUE about Noah? A: Noah was a descendant of Abraham and Eve. B: Noah was chosen to survive the Great Flood. C: Noah and his family boarded the ark. D: Noah dedicated the ark to God, therefore, got saved from the flood.

    Which of the following is NOT TRUE about Noah? A: Noah was a descendant of Abraham and Eve. B: Noah was chosen to survive the Great Flood. C: Noah and his family boarded the ark. D: Noah dedicated the ark to God, therefore, got saved from the flood.

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    Who are Noah’s sons?

    Who are Noah’s sons?

  • 2022-06-15 问题

    中国大学MOOC: Which of the following is NOT TRUE about Noah?

    中国大学MOOC: Which of the following is NOT TRUE about Noah?

  • 2022-06-15 问题

    Noah is the only good man God could find at that time.

    Noah is the only good man God could find at that time.

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    According to the Bible story , Noah’s sons were named Shem, Ham, and Japheth.

    According to the Bible story , Noah’s sons were named Shem, Ham, and Japheth.

  • 2022-06-15 问题

    According to Trevor Noah, being offended by another culture can be avoided by ____ to each other.

    According to Trevor Noah, being offended by another culture can be avoided by ____ to each other.

  • 2022-06-15 问题

    According to the Bible story, what did Noah do when they got out of the Ark?

    According to the Bible story, what did Noah do when they got out of the Ark?

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    According to the Bible story , after Noah got on the Ark it rained 40 days and 40 nights.

    According to the Bible story , after Noah got on the Ark it rained 40 days and 40 nights.

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    According to the Bible story, how old was Noah when God decided to get rid of people?

    According to the Bible story, how old was Noah when God decided to get rid of people?

  • 2022-06-15 问题

    According to the Bible story , how many days did God gave Noah before he got everything into the Ark?

    According to the Bible story , how many days did God gave Noah before he got everything into the Ark?

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