• 2022-06-05 问题

    When a motor vehicle meets a pedestrian and is passing through a crosswalk, it shall ( ). A: detour through B: stop and yield C: acceleration ahead of time through D: honking through

    When a motor vehicle meets a pedestrian and is passing through a crosswalk, it shall ( ). A: detour through B: stop and yield C: acceleration ahead of time through D: honking through

  • 2022-05-29 问题

    Unit 3_Text B: Vocabulary‌Replace the underlined word in the following sentence with one of these words and change the form when necessary. (sanction, hierarchical, nuisance, dysfunctional, accountability, infringe, gripe, starkly, averse, discreetly)‌‏29. After ensuring the crosswalk is clear, you can cautiously proceed to make sure the roadway is clear of vehicles before walking through the intersection.‌

    Unit 3_Text B: Vocabulary‌Replace the underlined word in the following sentence with one of these words and change the form when necessary. (sanction, hierarchical, nuisance, dysfunctional, accountability, infringe, gripe, starkly, averse, discreetly)‌‏29. After ensuring the crosswalk is clear, you can cautiously proceed to make sure the roadway is clear of vehicles before walking through the intersection.‌

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